Today I'm in a bit of shock. I just finished my last first day of school. I am pretty confident I will not be pursuing a PHD so today marks my last trip to the bookstore to sell my soul for yet another stack of overpriced used books. I've printed off my syllabi, packed by school bag, charged my laptop (yes, for the whole semester, Macs are just that good) and am ready to go.
I would say that it was my last time purchasing school supplies but since I'm a sucker for post-it notes, highlighters, notebooks, staplers and the like there are plenty more school supply shopping trips in my future.
I don't have much time to freak out about the fact that this is my last semester because I have about 27,000 pages to read by Monday and 17 assignments due tomorrow. Perhaps I exaggerate but it feels that way. I just want to tell you all that I love you and will see you in April when I come up for air.
Just in time for my birthday. We should totally celebrate!