Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Luck O' The Irish

Last week I went to Ireland for a field study through school. Five of us (Benjamin, Brandon, Chris, Mike and I) went to visit the Kellogg's headquarters in Dublin and then swung by Wales to visit two of their plants. Here were the trip highlights:

1. They lost my luggage on the way over and I had to go to headquarters on Monday in my jeans and no makeup. Not the best first impression I've ever made. BUT everyone there was extremely understanding and even more helpful.

2. I finally got my luggage just minutes before checking in to our flight to England. Whew.

3. The guys thought it would be hilarious to hide my luggage when we landed in England (at 1 a.m.). I was easily convinced and on the verge of tears when they confessed. "Aren't you so glad you have your luggage?" they anxiously asked, hoping I wouldn't kill them. Thrilled.

4. Love me some Irish and British accents.

5. I got to see them make Special K Cereal and snack bars. The plants smelled amazing! For three days I was craving bowls of cereal.

6. We went to an awesome dinner with leaders from both plants and had just the best time. They LOVED having us retell the luggage story.

7. Our driver Morris. He became our unofficial tour guide to and from the plants each day. Which was great because that was all the sight-seeing we got to do in Wales.

8. Mike pulled the red emergency cord in the bathroom thinking that's how they flush the toilet in Wales. Nope, that's how they set off the alarm. Lisa never let him live it down.

9. Wearing hairnets. Pictures to come.

10. Everyone at the plants and at headquarters really went above and beyond for our visit. I may or may not have been a bit emotional when we had to say goodbye to everyone from Karen, Lisa and Chris to Aoife and Sam. Not to mention the other 70 people we met during our focus groups. We really did have the best time.

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