Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday Is the New Friday

In the last few months I have come to love and appreciate Thursdays as I never have before. Our midweek-days are typically ignored, and for good reason. If you are like me we are usually recuperating from Monday and trying so desperately to reach Friday that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all seem like a blur. I love the feeling one gets on Friday when you know you've made it through another week and the weekend lies fresh and free before you. And since I have been in school with classes only held Mon-Thurs I get to feel that one day sooner each week. So, all I can say today (Thursday) is TGIT!


  1. You and Aaron both! Makes me just a tad bit envious of your regular three-day weekends! ;)

  2. Casey too! But I DO love my Tues, Wed, Thurs--I get off work 2 hrs earlier and play hard with the boys. It is actually Mon and Fri that I dread!
