Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I've Landed

Well hullo there. It's high time I get back to keeping this up, I suppose. The last couple of weeks have been just lovely. I have the best roommates and friends a girl could ask for. Two weekends ago Michelle (Blood), Laura (Pearson) and Denise (Mann) decided to kidnap me for the day and fulfill all my bucket list wishes (at least those in San Fran). I was thrilled that Michelle (Ziser) and Kelly (Madsen) both came, too. And I can't forget Brooks and Josh who were such great sports and joined us for the last half of the day.

The day started with a stop at the mosaic staircase that I've been dying to see. It's just as beautiful in person as I expected it to be. I was so excited I nearly jumped out of the car before Kelly had a chance to park. After oohing and aahing, we then hiked the rest of the way up the hill to a lovely view of the city. Oh, how I love San Francisco.

Next we drove to the northwest side of the Golden Gate Bridge to catch a breathtaking view of the city. That's where we had an incredible picnic (many thanks to Denise who makes a pretty mean peanut butter and jam sandwich with banana...yum!) and enjoyed the view. Oh, and tried to be subtle as we stared at the cutest couple getting engaged. One or two of the group may have made an excuse to walk to the garbage in order to peek at her ring. I hear it's gorgeous.

Then we found our way back down to the city to catch a cruise that took us under the bridge. The day was sunny and there were sailboats galore. I tried to capture it but no picture really did all those white sails justice. I can only encourage you to go and see them sometime.

After a lovely walk to the book store and a yummy bread bowl at Boudin's we went to get a dark chocolate hot fudge sundae (say that 5 times fast) at Ghirardelli Square, because I love them SO MUCH. We then made one final stop to see the Bay Lights before going home exhausted. It was such a lovely day with some of my favorite people. I felt rather spoiled and quite loved.

Before I skipped the country, Laura and I made one more pilgrimage down to the Boiling Crab. Oh, my mouth is watering as I type. I just can't get enough of this place. I have two food dates when I get back home...Boiling Crab with Laura and frozen yogurt with Melissa (Della Gatta). Priorities :)

We also had a fun St. Patty's day where I made, dare I say, a pretty fabulous cake (you can see it below before I finished frosting it). It was seven layers of green goodness. Those who missed it will just have to come next year.

Since I don't really say goodbyes we had a small 'cheerio' party with my favorite ladies in the Bay area. We drank tea and ate scones and just chatted away.

And now here I am, sitting in my cute little flat in London with six months of grand adventures ahead of me. (No, I did not take the pic below but will have lots to share with you in no time.)


  1. Hey girl! Keep up the I can stock you from another country! Love ya!

  2. Was so fun to hear of your spoiling day. Sounds like lots of fun. Also really glad you are going to keep your blog going of cheery ole England. Looking forward to lots of good stuff.
