Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Attraction @ the Zoo

Brenton (an intern with Choice Humanitarian) and I went to Haller Park yesterday. It's essentially a zoo. Neither of us really knew where it was so it proved to be an adventure getting to and from it by matatu. We saw them feed the giraffes, hippos and crocs. I'm of the opinion that you're never too old to have a good time at the zoo.

It was POURING rain all day, of course. Luckily, I had my umbrella. While watching the giraffes, a mom with her two kids snuck under my umbrella with me to get out of the rain. I was happy to share. Then her friend looked over and thought the sight was pretty entertaining. Before I knew it there were 10 people under my umbrella and we were all smiling for pictures. All of this was happening while there were monkeys and giraffes surrounding us. Not sure how I should feel about that. But hey, give the people what they want, I say.

On the way home they were packing people into the matatu. The size of these things is somewhere between a minivan and a full-size van. They normally fit three people in the front and at least 12 in the back plus the guy collecting the money. Yesterday they managed to get 20 of us in there. These things put clown cars to shame. So, picture 20 dripping wet people all shoved into a van. Wet, smelly and negative bubble space. One man was standing in the door well hunched over me. Water was just dripping off of him. He just looked at me with this miserable expression on his face and said "I'm sorry." Poor guy.

This (above) is a matatu stop on the way to Haller Park. Not sure if you can see it very well but there are people and cows helping themselves to the garbage pile. You see these piles all over with people walking around, living in, or rummaging through them. You never get used to the sight. Makes me so sad.

Here are some other pics for your viewing pleasure.

(Monkey pic should be credited to Brenton)

They have 12 tortoises in the park. The oldest is 120 years old! This one we saw is over 100. I can't help but think what was happening in the world when this thing hatched.

1 comment:

  1. Even the animals are wet!! You are definately creative in your transportation. No envy there. Hope you are feeling better soon!
